One Right Way? Nah.

One Right Way? Nah.

There's a saying, "There's more than one way to skin a cat."  Yes, it's a graphically horrifying phrase, especially given the "lolz kitten" craze that threatens to collapse the internet with its sheer magnitude. But it's a saying that goes back 200 years and I'm using...

A Love Affair With Stuff

A Love Affair With Stuff

Here’s an interesting NY Times article on clutter with a different spin on it. I think the author has, to a degree, taken a tongue-in-cheek approach, but I get it. Clutter and “stuff” isn’t an issue… until it is; until the stuff accumulates to the degree and in a way...

Saying Goodbye To “Stuff”

Saying Goodbye To “Stuff”

When looking through piles of stuff to make keep-or-go decisions, I often ask my clients, "Is it relevant to your life anymore?" Sometimes we hang on to things simply because we have the space. It's easy to delay the decision-making process when keeping the stuff...

Baby Steps

Baby Steps

It’s a fact: clutter can be overwhelming. Whether it’s a four-day pile of unopened mail or many years of paper piles, there comes a point when the idea of tackling it becomes daunting. Maybe it’s just the spare closet filled with clothes you may or may not wear, or...

“Password” is a bad password.

“Password” is a bad password.

Does the idea of changing all your online passwords overwhelm you? Take a deep breath and remember my mantra: Baby steps. If you have dozens and dozens of online accounts for things like banking, investing, shopping, playing, music, watching movies, social media… set...

Photo Project

Photo Project

People sometimes assume that as a professional organizer, every aspect of my existence must be, well, organized. A lot of it is, but life happens and things fall through the cracks, even for me. Right before the holidays, hubby went to the cabinet that houses our...

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